Eric Eben Sevareid
Teaching and Mentoring
College courses taught
[Pepperdine]- Introduction to Sociology
- Sociology of Emotions
- Introductory Statistics
- Social Psychology
- Population Science & Policy (demography)
- Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems
Race, Ethnicity, & Inequality
Drugs, Alcohol, & Society
- Intro to Sociological Theory
Course Syllabi
(and this link for my course AI policy)Additional courses
In addition to the courses I have taught (︎︎︎), I am prepared to teach the following. My approach to each is interdisciplinary psychology + sociology.
- Sociology & Psychology of the Family
- Relationship and Family Policy
- Family Violence
- Romantic Relationships Across the Life Course
- The Life Course and the Transition to Adulthood
- Advanced Quantitative Methods (see mentorship)
Are you a professor or instructor looking for advice or
materials for any of the above courses? Please get in touch with me!
I am passionate about mentorship and actively engage in direct consultation and supervision with a set of highly promising students. I am currently supervising two undergraduate’s empirical research projects and was recently awarded a Faculty-Student Mentorship Fellowship with a third student. As a graduate student, I chaired our mentorship program (2019-20) and our Professional Development Committee (2022-23) and served as a direct supervisor to the grad students on the TARS project for the W8 deposit to the ICPSRQuantitative Methods Consultation
The sub-concentration to my PhD is in quantitative methods. I have extensive training in a variety of quantitative and statistical techniques and approaches to social science and survey research. I have tutored and taught statistics and quant methods for various skill levels and I can offer instruction in the following:
Linear and Multiple Regression:
- Logit
- Probit
- Poisson
- Negative Binomial
- Factor analysis (C & E)
- SEM (especially Latent Class Analysis
- Cross-Lagged Panel Data Models
- Item Response Theory (IRT)
- Period Life Tables
- Decomposition
- Event History Models
I offer training in Stata for all of the above plus tips and tricks for efficiency and organization in Stata. I also use R for my work, but there are better resources out there for instruction in R (I recommend EdX).
Please contact me if you would like to set up a tutoring session or workshop.